Spatial distribution of the β-amyloid cross-eigenimage in CN and LMCI groups. The tau scores appear to have stronger distance-correlation with β-amyloid for the CN group.
In order to investigate the dependency of the tau-amyloid association on the subject’s clinical condition, the Canonical Distance Correlation Analysis was re-assessed for each of the subpopulations of Cognitively Normal and Late Mild Cognitively Impairment subjects.
The CDCA revealed that the first canonical component accounted for 29.41% and 28.90% of the total co-variability in the CN and LMCI groups, respectively.
The figure shows that the β-amyloid cross-eigenimage appears to be much stronger in CN than in LMCI, where the loadings cover extended areas of the medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and precuneus.