Gray Matter Density in PSP Subjects
Gray Matter Density in Control Subjects
Axial images of the mean change in gray matter density over a 12 month period in the PSP (top) and Control (bottom) groups highlight the reduction in gray matter density throughout brainstem, midbrain, and insula regions in the PSP subjects (blue and purple voxels) with minimal changes evident in the control population (green voxels) over the same time period.
Deformation-Based Morphometry (DBM)
Axial views of the t-statistic maps comparing the change in Jacobian determinants over a 12 month period in the PSP group compared to control subjects highlight the statistically significant atrophy (blue to purple) throughout the cerebellum, pons, midbrain, and thalamus, along with the concurrent expansion of the ventricular spaces as well as the sulci adjacent to the insula region (yellow to red).
Voxelwise gray matter density changes over a 12 month period highlight the rapid changes apparent in the PSP subjects, where the deep blue and purple colors indicate reduced gray matter density, while the green color indicates no change over the 12 month period.
Statistical analysis of the voxelwise Jacobian determinants also highlights statistically significant atrophy throughout the cerebellum, brainstem, and thalamus, along with the concurrent expansion of the ventricular spaces and sulci adjacent to the insula region in the PSP subjects.
Both exploratory voxelwise analysis methods highlight the dramatic changes within the brainstem and ventricles, with more subtle changes apparent in the cortical regions.